Rates & Fees

Listed below, you will find our current rates and fees. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.

 Ordinance 14

Facility Charge & Water Rates

Facility Charge $9.00 per month
Water Rate $9.25 per thousand gallons

Billing Example

  • 1,000 Gallons = $9.25 (Rate Per Thousand) + $9.00 (Facility Charge)= $18.25

Fees & Penalties

  • $8.73 Certified Delinquent Notice
  • $50.00 Trip Charge for Collections
  • $50.00 Reconnection Fee, NO RECONNECTIONS AFTER HOURS
  • $10.00 Penalty for Not Sending a Meter Reading
  • $25.00 NSF Check Charge
  • $140.00 Bobcat Hourly Rate
  • $100.00 Per Hour for Service Labor
  • $150.00 Per Hour for Overtime Service Labor
  • $100.00 Fee and Water Service Disconnected for Not Showing Up for a Final Meter Reading Appointment
  • $100.00 Penalty charged to the homeowner for anyone operating the curbstop other than Marshall & Polk Rural Water System Note: The hourly rate for service labor includes mileage to the worksite. The hourly rate is for billable work only; there are many services that we continue to provide free of charge. For example, we do not charge to come out and turn your water off, nor do we charge to help you look for a water leak. If you are uncertain about whether or not a service is billable, be sure to ask.