- A second meter request has to be approved by the board of directors
- Second services are granted on a case by case basis
- The service must be installed within the same parcel as the main assessment
- This service may be used to serve a shop or other out buildings
- A second meter may not serve another dwelling as there is only one permanent household allowed per assessment
- The customer is responsible for paying the construction costs of the new service before installation begins
- A second curbstop may be installed off of the main waterline
- Marshall & Polk Rural Water System's contractor must install the waterline and curbstop
- A private contractor may install the service line between the curbstop and meter
- If the second service is tapped in on the service line between the curbstop and house a private contractor may do the work
- The waterline installed between the curbstop and meter must be 3/4" 250 # continuous poly pipe